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Pretty well all Excel spreadsheets contain formulas of some sort. They can range from a simple addition through to complex nested Functions. The formula types you can specify for Formatting (font and/or background) are;
Once applied, you can tell at a glance which cells contain formulas and which do not. You will also be able to tell at a glance the type of formulas (see list above) each cell has. This eliminates the need to go clicking through cells to find a specific formula type. So now you can;
Format the background color of all formulas that match the criteria you set.
Format the font of all formulas that match the criteria you set.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee & Big Discount for Unlimited License. Only $44.95
The Formula Manager is designed to make the managing of all formulas in Excel a breeze. It can be used in four main areas
Report includes Clickable Hyperlinks direct to the specified formula cell.
Excel Formula Manager Start
Formula Manager
Excel 97 through to 2003 Compatible
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See Also: Excel Duplication Manager Add-in | Excel Number Manager Add-in | Excel Text Manager Add-in | Excel Named Range Add-in Manager | Excel OzGrid Plus Add-in | Excel Time Sheet | Excel Time Wage and Pay book