This one add-in can do all of what is listed below
Formula Report Generator
Dynamic Range Name Creator. This will allow you to very quickly and easily create any one of eight different types of dynamic ranges that will expand down rows or across columns. You can even nominate the column or row to use as the criteria. It can also expand automatically each day month or week.
Real Calendar. This one will create a live calendar in an instant using real dates, so you can reference it if needed. The current day is always highlighted and updates automatically.
Sheet Creator and Sorter. This option will create any number of pre-named worksheets which can be Financial Years (1901-2050), Weekdays (Monday-Sunday), Months (January-December), Years (1901-2050), Quarters (Quart1-Quart4), Days (Day1-Day1460) and Weeks (Week1-Week208). It also has an option that allows you to Sort (ascending or descending) any Worksheets in any Workbook.
A Random Number Generator. This can produce up to 1000 non repeating random numbers that meet a criteria you specify.
Conditional Row Deletion. This one will save many hours of repetitive work when you need to quickly and easily delete rows in a Worksheet that meet any criteria. There is an option that allows you to easily nominate any one of Excels six Error Types, or all of them. There is also a simple option that allows you to nominate the criteria.
Duplication Report. Will produce a statistical table of your data. Including a Count of occurrences of each item, the total number of duplicates and a total of all entries. It will also produce a list of your data containing only unique entries. Like a Pivot Table in a single click.
Do On Time. This feature allows you to run a macro (recorded or written) at a set time, display a personal message or reminder at a specified time or even open a nominated Workbook at a set time.
OzGrid Excel Plus Add-in
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