In debt? Who isn't in Todays life? Want to save thousands and at the same time get out of debt faster? Then you need Debt Calculator! Debt Calculator allows you to enter all of your debts and then see a plan with the click of a button that can save you thousands and pay off your loans quicker. By having Debt Calculator analyze your debts you can quickly produce a schedule of payments that will show exactly how much to pay on each debt each month to minimize the interest you will pay and the amount of time it will take you to become debt free. As well, Debt Calculator includes QuikCalc's Amortization Schedules Plus !, Amortization Tables and Solve for Missing Number features.
Debt Calculator Home Edition Benefits
Debt Calculator Debt Elimination Planner Home Edition is an easy to use software package that allows you to quickly input your current debts and generate a payment plan that can save you thousands in interest and years off the time to become debt free.
Quickly add any number of debts. Whether you have two or ten debts (or even 100 for that matter), Debt Calculator can handle it. The Debt Elimination Planner allows you to enter all manner of debts including loans, mortgages, credit cards and lines of credit. Click here for a screen shot!
Not sure how bad it is right now? No problem! Enter your debts and the very next tab shows you how long it will take to become debt free and just how much it would cost you making your current or minimum payments. This can be scary but don't get discouraged! Click here for a screen shot!
Don't understand the jargon, just want an answer? No problem! The default plan is our recommended plan that shows you how to save the most time and money. After you enter your debts, just click the Proposed Plan tab and you will immediately have your answer. No waiting, no fiddling with options. Click here for a screen shot!
Want more flexibility? No problem! Debt Calculator allows you to prioritize your debt payoffs in 12 different ways. It also includes the capability to do Consolidation Loan and Fixed Term schedules.
Want a clear to follow plan that you can refer to at any time? No problem! Print off the Proposed Plan Schedule of Payments report and you will have an exact list, month by month, debt by debt of the payments you will need to make to achieve your goal of saving money and become debt free faster.
Want to see the effect of a little extra money each month? No problem! You can add this to the Surplus Cash field and instantly see how this will impact your debt reduction schedule.
Periodically have extra cash available? No problem. The Extra Payments tab allows you do add extra payments during the term of the schedule such as annual Christmas bonuses. Click here for a screen shot!
Need non-standard amortization schedules? The Amortization Schedules Plus! feature allows you to add any number of extra payments to a schedule, skip payments plus add weekly, monthly or yearly lump sums Starting in any year. No longer are you restricted to static tables that generate a schedule that offers no flexibility. Click here for a screen shot!
Like to play "what if" with your mortgage or loan? Amortization Schedules Plus ! is the ultimate tool for this. You can change any parameter affecting your loan including payment amounts and frequencies, interest rates and compounding methods as well as payment types including interest only loans.
Pentium class PC (Pentium II or higher recommended)
64 MB of RAM
Hard Disk
45 MB free disk space required
Designed for 800 x 600 resolution or higher
Operating System
Windows 95 or higher
Printer (optional)
Required to print reports but not to operate program.
Debt Calculator
Debt Calculator Plus Edition
$69.95 Additional features detailed this
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