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Named Constants are ideal for use in a large spreadsheet where common values are used in calculations. Once a name has been assigned to a value, the name can be used in formulae. For example if the number 0.15 (or 15%), with the text TaxRate, is a Named Constant with the value of 0.15 or 15%. This could then be used in calculations like =A1*TaxRate. Then, if the tax rate changes, you simply make the change to the Named Constant and all your formulae will update to reflect the new value.
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Excel Named Range Manager
30 Day Money Back Guarantee Excel 97 through to 2003 Compatible.
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See Also: Excel Duplication Manager Add-in | Excel Formula Manager Add-in | Excel Number Manager Add-in | Excel Text Manager | Excel OzGrid Plus Add-in | Excel Time Sheet | Excel Time Wage and Pay book