The option Create a list of unique data is just the shot for a removing duplications from a single column list. However, there are time when you have duplications in a range, or table, that consists of more than one column. The option Remove Duplicates will do this for you very quickly!
This option is ideal for a large list or table of email addresses, names, items or anything!
The New Table can then be sorted to remove blanks
Duplicates Manager Start > Duplication Manager Options: Create a list of unique data > Display only unique data > Create a summary report > Color code all duplicates, up to 3 levels > Prevent users from adding duplicates to a list or table > Compare 2 lists for matching entries > Remove duplicates from any range > Remove entries from one list that exist in the other > Remove duplicate rows from a table > Leave only first occurrence of each duplicate entry > Fill blank cells within a list with data in the cell directly above
Excel Duplicate Manager
Excel 97 to 2003 versions.
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