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Project Board - Projects Area
This module will allow you to create all the projects you may need; and if you
so wish, classify them in Project Groups to be able to better manage them,
assigning them to all members involved.
Project Board - Knowledge Base Area
This module will allow you to safely share the knowledge generated during the
development of a given project, only with the members involved or those chosen
by you.
Area to store information concerning the projects where you are participating.
In a question-and-answer fashion.
Knowledge Base makes it possible to add a FAQ for each section of information
entered, as well as attachments, external links, etc.
Project Board - Users Area
This module will allow you to very simply create members of a given project,
assigning various types of roles or privileges, such as: Users, Groups of Users,
Administrators and even Super Administrators, who will have full control over
the entire application.
Project Board - Calendar Area
This module will allow you keep a record of all pending activities and tasks of
a given project and to only allow access to the members who are involved in that
Project Board - Users List
This module will present a complete list of all users recorded in the system,
showing their roles and access levels.
Project Board - Messages Area
This module shows a full list of private messages sent between members of a
given project. One can read messages and answer them right from the system, but
this is restricted only to members who can access that project.
Project Board - Chat Area
This module performs instant message tasks, for a quick, flowing and effective
communication between members registered in the system.
Creation of Chat Rooms, allowing for private chat sessions between users or
groups of users.
Files can be transferred on real time between those attending the Chat Room.
Project Board - Additional Functions
To Do List: People can be given a list of things to be done, in the form of
tickets, which can be monitored by the project manager.
Gantt: - Tasks can be grouped (Group of Tasks) in a way to facilitate
monitoring and viewing - Gantt Printout (graphical display, or text details).
Email: - Users may check their personal mail within ProjectBoard; for
example: check their [email protected] mail.
Posts: - Each post created can have additional notes, which are some sort
of an aide-memoir. Posts can include images, flashes, attachments, internal
links, external links, etc.
You may also create a Word document using the last post created, without having
to be connected to the network. Posts can have rich formats, as ProjectBoard has
a top class text editor.
Administration Area: - This module will allow you to create, edit and
erase users, groups of users, rooms, posts, projects, Project Groups, etc.
Report generation, by type of room, by role, etc. Holidays: ProjectBoard may be
configured to work according to calendar days, or right through (including
Saturdays and Sundays).
More >> Functions > Features > Project Board Demo Allow a few minutes to load. > FAQs > How To Videos
Project Board
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