On the top bar, the File option let�s you save the function and any results to disk, or retrieve a previously created file. You can also copy the graph to the clipboard, which you can then paste where you please (Word, Paint, etc.).
NOTE: The graph will also be saved using the name you specify but with the .BMP extension (BITMAP).
Use the Print option to print the results.
Click on SHOW EVALUATOR to display the expression evaluator.
In addition to the functions generally available, this program lets you use 8 additional mathematical functions. These are sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, asin, acos. They return, correspondingly, the hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent, inverse hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent, inverse trigonometric sine and cosine.
Below is a list of the functions available, including the 8 that have been added.
int cintabs rndsqr logexp sincos tanasin acosatn sinhcosh tanhasinh acoshatanh |
sign integer value (fractions are discarded) integer value (fractions are rounded) absolute value random square root natural logarithm exponential trigonometric sine trigonometric cosine trigonometric tangent inverse trigonometric sine inverse trigonometric cosine inverse trigonometric tangent hyperbolic sine hyperbolic cosine hyperbolic tangent inverse hyperbolic sine inverse hyperbolic cosine inverse hyperbolic tangent |
The operators are listed below in order of precedence.
Negation (-)
Exponentiation (^)
and division (*,
Integer division (\)
Modulus arithmetic (mod)
Addition and subtraction (+, -)
Comparison Operators (These all have EQUAL precedence)
Equality (=)
Inequality (<>)
Less than (<)
Greater than (>)
Less than or equal to (<=)
Greater than or
equal to (>=)
Logical Operators (In order of precedence)
Negation (not)
Conjunction (and)
Disjunction (or)
Exclusion (xor)
Equivalence (eqv)
Implication (imp)
If an expression contains operators from different categories, the Arithmetic Operators are evaluated first, then the Comparison Operators, then the Logical Operators. For each category, the precedence is as listed above.
When operators of equal precedence are found, they are evaluated in order of appearance from left to right.
Parentheses always override Operator Precedence rules. Expressions are evaluated from the inside out, Starting with the innermost set of parentheses. Use parentheses to eliminate any possible ambiguity.
You�ll probably use the Arithmetic Operators more often than the others.
The constants pi and e are built-in for your convenience:
pi = 3.14159� = atn(1)*4
e = 2.718281� = exp(1)
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See Also: LINEAR ALGEBRA | Ordinary Differential Equations
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