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Lot's More: Excel VBA . See Also: Manually Adding UDF to Category and Add Description
Excel: Add Description & Category for UDF
Excel Custom Functions
are great way to eliminate horribly long nested functions and/or to use ones
own custom calculations. However, when a Custom Function (UDF/User Defined
Function) is written it is, by default, added to the User Defined category
of the Insert Function dialog. With the use of the MacroOptions Method
we can add any Custom Function to any category, or add it to a custom
category that we create. We can also use MacroOptions Method to write a
brief description about our Custom Function.
MacroOptions Method
Syntax: ALL arguments are optional.
MacroOptions(Macro, Description, HasMenu, MenuText, HasShortcutKey,
ShortcutKey, Category, StatusBar, HelpContextID, HelpFile)
The following table lists which numbers correspond to the built-in categories that can be used in the Category parameter.
2=Date & Time
3=Math & Trig
5=Lookup & Reference
12=Macro Control
14=User Defined
15=First custom category
The MacroOptions Method is a method of the Application Object and
corresponds to options in the Macro Options dialog box. We can also use this
method to display a User Defined Function (UDF) in a pre-existing built-in
category or new category within the Insert Function dialog box. The main
thing you must be aware of is that the custom category, if we specify one,
is not retained be Excel sessions. This means we should use the
Workbook Open Event
to call our Procedure for adding a UDF to a category and adding a
The code below shows the use of the MacroOptions Method. In this case it
will add a Function called
to its own category called "Color Functions" and add a
description. If this category does not yet exist, it will create it for you.
Sub AddCategoryDescription()Application.MacroOptions Macro:="ColorFunction", _ Description:="Sums or counts cells based on a specified fill color", _ Category:="Color Functions" End Sub
Add More Than One Function, Description & Category
It's often the case that more than one custom function needs to be added. In cases like these we can use the Choose function and a simple For Loop .
Sub AddManyCategoryDescription()Dim strFunction As String Dim strDescript As String Dim vCat Dim lLoop As Long With Application For lLoop = 1 To 3 'Pass function name strFunction = Choose(lLoop, "ColorFunction", _ "StatsFunction", "DatabaseFunction") 'Pass function description strDescript = Choose(lLoop, _ "Sums or counts cells based on a specified fill color", _ "A statistical function", "A database function") 'Pass function category vCat = Choose(lLoop, "Color Functions", 4, 6) .MacroOptions Macro:=strFunction, Description:=strDescript, Category:=vCat Next lLoop End With End Sub
Lot's More: Excel VBA . See Also: Manually Adding UDF to Category and Add Description
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