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Count or Sum Specified Number In Single Cell Housing Many Numbers
Function Count_Sum_NumbersInCell(rCell As Range, _ sNumber As Single, strDelimeter, Optional bSum As Boolean) As Single Dim vArray Dim lLoop As Long Dim sResult As Single vArray = Split(rCell, strDelimeter) If bSum = False Then For lLoop = 0 To UBound(vArray) If vArray(lLoop) = _ sNumber Then sResult = sResult + 1 Next lLoop Else With WorksheetFunction For lLoop = 0 To UBound(vArray) If vArray(lLoop) = _ sNumber Then sResult = .Sum(sResult, vArray(lLoop)) Next lLoop End With End If Count_Sum_NumbersInCell = sResult End Function
If A1 housed 1 3 30 3 23 3
=Count_Sum_NumbersInCell(A1,3," ")
To count the number of 3's in A1 where numbers are separated by a space. 30 and 23 are not counted
=Count_Sum_NumbersInCell(A1,3," ",TRUE)
To sum the number 3's in A1 where numbers are separated by a space. 30 and 23 are not summed
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