"The Right People for the Job in Four Steps" (At Most!)
You want a team of five employees. What do you do?
- Decide what attributes are important for your organization. (This step won't be needed again unless what you need in a team changes.)
- Enter information about each person being considered for your team. (This step won't be needed again unless you want more people considered.)
- Select the people you want considered for your team (i.e. everyone), click Calculate one team of and enter "5".
- Click Calculate.
That's all!
Now we'll go through each step in more detail.
You decide what's important with Harmony@Work. If height is important to your team, fine. If you need people who can fire a .357, that's also fine. Of course, if Harmony@Work's default attributes are appropriate for your needs you can leave them just as they are!
On the main menu, you click Attributes to view the Attributes window
As you can see, on the Attributes screen there is a box labeled Name, a box labeled Description and a list labeled Importance. Each attribute has these properties.
(Actually, there are two more�Own Attributes Default and Compatibility Default�but we'll get to those later.)
You need tall people for your team. Yes, you have a basketball team.
You click the Next button until you come to the attribute you want to replace with "Height."
When you've reached the attribute you want to customize, you type "Height" in the Name box.
In the Description box you type "Height, on a relative scale."
Because the trait "Height" is very important to your team, you select
Extreme(ly) in the Importance list and click Save.
You do the same (click Next or Previous until you come to the
trait you want to modify, customize it etc.) until the attributes you see represent
the traits which are important to you and your organization.
Once you've decided what attributes are important for your team, you need to decide how each person measures up to and will react in regard to these traits.
On the main menu, you click Profiles to view the Profiles window.
As you can see, there is room to enter each person's first name, last name, position and a description of up to 1750 characters
In addition, there are sections labeled Own Attributes and Compatibility. Note that in each of these sections are the attributes you just defined, each with a list to its right.
You enter the first person's name, "Bob Samson." You leave his position and a description for later.
Now you're going to decide how Mr. Samson measures up in regard to each attribute.
You look at the section labeled Own Attributes, which will reflect the degree to which he exhibits each trait you just defined.
The first trait listed in the Own Attributes section is Height. As Mr. Samson is quite tall, you select Extreme(ly) from the Height list.
You do the same for each trait listed in the Own Attributes section to reflect Mr. Samson's own attributes.
You're now going to decide if the traits you defined would be good for Mr. Samson, if they were to be exhibited by others.
You look at the section labeled Compatibility, which will reflect how positive or negative the existence of each trait in others will be for Mr. Samson.
The first attribute listed in the Compatibility section is Height. As Mr. Samson will really benefit from having tall teammates, you select Extreme(ly) from the Height list.
You do the same for each trait listed in the Compatibility section to reflect how Mr. Samson will react to each attribute.
(We said earlier that we would discuss Own Attributes Default and Compatibility Default.
Here it is...
Own Attributes Default and Compatibility Default allow you to decide what the default values will be for a certain trait.
For example, every basketball player will benefit from working with someone diligent.
If you set the Compatibility Default for the trait Diligent to Extremely Positive, every time you enter a new person to the pool of people you want Harmony@Work to consider, in the Compatibility section the attribute Diligent will already be set to Extremely Positive.
As many traits will be universally beneficial, you can see how this will save you a lot of time.)
When you are finished with Bob Samson you click Save and Next so you can enter the next person you are considering for your team.
You are finished entering all the people you want Harmony@Work to consider for your team of 5 and are ready to calculate your team.
On the main window, you click Select All, as you want all 10 people you just entered considered for your team. (If you only want 8 people considered for your team of 5, you can select just the people you want considered.)
Next, on the main window, you click Calculate to view the Calculate window
Because you want one team of 5, you select Calculate one team of and enter "5."
You click Calculate.
You've got your team. And you can rest assured it's the right team. (That wasn't too bad, was it?)
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