The Business Valuation Model combines relative indicators for future performance with basic financial data (Revenue, Variable, and Fixed Costs) to value the business. This valuation method can be used for business purchase, sale, or establishment. The model uniquely applies your intuitive business and market knowledge to provide a 3 year performance forecast and a business valuation. The model is compact and easy to use with minimal input requirements.
The Business Valuation Model provides an easy to use and effective method to value a business for business buying, business sale, or business evaluation. The valuation software uniquely applies your intuitive business and market knowledge to provide a 3 year performance forecast with sensitivity analysis, investment return, and a business valuation. It is compact, easy to use, and requires minimal inputs. Outputs include a 3 year performance forecast with the ability to apply Sensitivity Analysis and produce Optimistic, Expected and Pessimistic forecasts. A Return on Investment and Business Valuation are provided for each forecast. Outputs are presented in tabular and graphical form. The Business Valuation Model allows you to value a business for business buying, business sale, or business evaluation.
Valuation Analysis Worksheet
Business Valuation Model Excel
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