To count dates that fall between a date range we can use SUMPRODUCT
with a twist. Suppose you have a list of valid dates in A1:A20. The formula we
can use to count dates that fall between 2 dates is;
Where D1 houses your start date and E1 you end date.
Or, we can hard code the dates into our SUMPRODUCT Function by using the DATE
Syntax for the date function is: DATE(Year, Month, Day)
Let's take this a step further and sum up numbers in Column "B"
that correspond to our date range.
We can even add another condition to numbers in Column B. Say we only want to
sum numbers, in range B1:20, that are greater than 3. We would use;
Here's how to create relatively easy Date Adder by using a UserForm, 3 TextBox Controls, 5 Label Controls, 1 ComboBox Control and 1 CommandButton Control.
- TextBox1 = Start Date
- TextBox2 = Positive/Negative Amount
- ComboBox1 = Period. I.e Days, Weeks, Months, Year
- CommandButton1 = Add/Take\
- Label1 = Result
Dim strPeriod As String Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() If ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then MsgBox "Invalid period", vbCritical ComboBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If With ComboBox1 If .ListIndex = 0 Then strPeriod = "D" If .ListIndex = 1 Then strPeriod = "WW" If .ListIndex = 2 Then strPeriod = "M" If .ListIndex = 3 Then strPeriod = "YYYY" End With End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If Not IsDate(TextBox1) Then MsgBox "Non valid date", vbCritical TextBox1 = vbNullString TextBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If Not IsNumeric(TextBox2) Then MsgBox "Invalid amount", vbCritical TextBox2 = vbNullString TextBox2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then MsgBox "Invalid period", vbCritical ComboBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Label1 = Format(DateAdd(strPeriod, TextBox2, TextBox1), "dddd dd mmm yyyy") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If TextBox1 = vbNullString Then Exit Sub If Not IsDate(TextBox1) Then MsgBox "Non valid date", vbCritical TextBox1 = vbNullString Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.List = Split("Day,Week,Month,Year", ",") End Sub
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