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Stop The #N/A! Error in VLOOKUP and other Lookup Functions

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SEE ALSO: VLOOKUP || Lookup Any Occurrence in Any Table Column || Hlookup Formula || Left Lookup in Excel || Excel Lookup Functions

Stop The #N/A! Error in VLOOKUP

The single best and most efficient way is to do this is;

1) Add your lookup formula to a spare column (e.g Column "A") and allow the #N/A! to happen.

2) Now reference these cells from the required cells like this;


3) Hide Column "A" by selecting it and going to Format>Column>Hide

The second most efficient is probably like this;

Instead of;




The least efficient method is like;


If you don't like the Zeros showing you can hide them via Tools>Options>View - Zero values. Or, cell-by-cell with a Custom Format like: General;-General;

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