Microsoft Excel Training- From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours/ EXCEL DASHBOARD REPORTS

Ozgrid, Experts in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets

Excel Dates, Time & Scheduling

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Excel Dates & Times. Working with & Understanding, Date & Time Calculations, Adding Times Past 24 Hours, Calculate a Persons Age, Create an Excel Calendar Control, Convert Text Dates & Times, Convert Excel Date Formats, Add/Take a Months to a Date, Mask Time Entries, Mask Date Entries, Create a Work-sheet Calendar, Day of Week, Week Number, How Many Specified Days in a Month, Determine nth Weekday of a Specified Date, Return Date of Last Chosen Day of Given Month, Return Date of the First, or nth Day of Month.
AutoFilter by Date & Time
Automatically Dates to Corresponding Cells
Automatically Run Macros at Set Time & Date

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Microsoft Excel Training- From Beginner to Expert in 6 Hours/ EXCEL DASHBOARD REPORTS

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