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Excel Worksheets - Navigating Excel Worksheets

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Alan has 60+ worksheets in one workbook & wanted to know how to quickly navigate between them. A number of solutions were offered.
Solution 1 suggested by WillR
Use the arrows in the bottom left of the worksheet? Right click on them and you will be presented with a list of worksheet names. Select whichever one you want to move to.

Solution 2 by Hey Ho

Use Ctrl + Page Down to move forward a worksheet. Ctrl + Page Up moves backwards. NB. Ensure Num Lock is off

Solution 3 by XL Dennis
Dennis suggests a VBA approach that makes a Command Bar to navigate your sheets as opposed to a standard Table of Contents sheet. The problem with building up a TOC sheet is that whilst we can easily move from the sheet to another sheet we still need to use another "shortcut" to move to next. So if You don't want to build up a VBA-solution then go with the "right-click" and if You want a VBA-solution the following might be of interest, which creates a Navigation Command Bar:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0

With Application.CommandBars.Add("Navigate XL-Dennis", , False, True)

  With .Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
         .TooltipText = "Move Back"
         .FaceId = 1017
         .OnAction = "Move_Back"
         .BeginGroup = True
  End With

  With .Controls.Add(msoControlDropdown)
         .AddItem "Sheet1"
         .AddItem "Sheet2"
         .AddItem "Sheet3"
         .TooltipText = "SheetNavigate"
         .OnAction = "Sheet_Navigate"
  End With

  With .Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
       .TooltipText = "Move next"
       .FaceId = 1018
       .OnAction = "Move_Next"
  End With

       .Protection = msoBarNoCustomize
       .Position = msoBarFloating
       .Visible = True
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub Sheet_Navigate()
Dim stActiveSheet As String

 With CommandBars.ActionControl
     stActiveSheet = .List(.ListIndex)
 End With

Select Case stActiveSheet
   Case "Sheet1"
   Case "Sheet2"
   Case "Sheet3"
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Move_Back()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Move_Next()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

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