Excel 97 or later. Windows & Mac
Savings & Investment Planner 3.0 provides you with a clear path to financial health, focusing on cutting the costs that banks extract for managing your finances, and by allocating your saved money to reduce outgoings even further.
The global credit crisis means higher costs are here or on their way for all financial accounts. Higher bank and credit card charges and fees, higher investment fees, lower interest rates on savings account and lower real rates of return on investments are all imminent. Spend an hour a month with Savings & Investment Planner and plan your way to a small fortune in savings and see how and where to reallocate to save more money.
Retrieve your most financial statements and work with our Excel spreadsheets listed below to set up mirrors of your accounts. We will show you how and where to save and reallocate to earn more savings.
Check your Interest rates. Maintain a constant check on the interest rates and charges applied to your accounts with this Interest Rate (checker) spreadsheet. Banks can be slow informing you of changes to interest rates applied to your accounts. You need to know what the real interest rates are to make informed decisions.
Improve your credit card accounts. Work with this Excel mirror spreadsheet of your credit card transactions and calculate savings using the guidelines provided.
Improve your bank accounts. Work with these Excel mirror spreadsheets of your bank accounts. 19 million pounds was returned to personal bank account holders by British banks during 2007 after challenges over disproportionate fees and charges. Apply the same approach to eliminate disproportionate charges applied to your bank account using these two mirror spreadsheets. (Professional Edition).
Manage your investment funds. Work with these Excel mirror spreadsheets of your managed investment funds and see how it is easy to save hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime by applying a little common sense. (Professional Edition).
Accelerate Mortgage Repayments. Work with these Excel mirror spreadsheets of your mortgage and see how it is easy to save thousands of dollars with small accelerated repayments.
Check all your loans. CheckMy Loans is a Windows program which will help you keep track of all your loans, balances and amortizations in one single register. Use CheckMy Loans to manage all your loans, consolidations and savings from quicker repayment schedules. (Professional edition).
Rate of Return Spreadsheet. Looking for higher investment returns? Use this spreadsheet to check the real annual rate of return for any stock or mutual fund using simple month to month price changes. Keep your focus on your hot stock picks.
Portfolio Rate of Return Spreadsheet. Need to keep track of share portfolio investment returns? Use this spreadsheet to check the real annual rate of return for any stock or mutual fund portfolio with buy/sell transactions. (Professional edition).
Buy to Let ROIC Spreadsheet. Buy to Let can provide attractive investment returns if the terms are right. This spreadsheet calculates the annual ROIC for any combination of purchase price, rental, occupancy rate, loan type, annual expenses, capital growth, and tax rates. (Professional edition).
Savings & Investment PlannerPlan. Apply the results from the Savings & Investment Plannerspreadsheets to develop a savings plan, and reallocations to save more. you can re-arrange your finances to save of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it is all very straightforward and simple if you follow the rules.
The Guidance edition provides home finance spreadsheets. The Professional edition provides in depth computations for managed investments, buy to let investing and loan planning.
Savings & Investment Planner $48.99
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