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See Also: Determine nth Weekday of a Specified Date || Return Last Chosen Weekday of Given Month . Lots More Custom Excel Functions
The Custom Function below can be used to return the date of the nth specified day of any given month.
It can be used in any cell like;
Where "Sun" is the day we need to return the date of the 2nd occurrence of Sunday in the Month November.
Which_Day is a text abbreviation on any day, e.g. "Sat"
Which_Date is a text representation of any valid date, e.g. "10-Oct-2005", "10-10-2005" etc
Occurence is the occurrence of Which_Day
To be able to use this custom function in a Workbook, you must first place the code below into a standard module.
- Open the Workbook.
- Go to Tools>Macro>Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11).
- Then to Insert>Module.
- Paste in the code.
- Click the top right X to return to Excel.
'The Code
Function NthDayOfMonth(Which_Day As String, Which_Date As String, Occurence As Byte) As Date Dim i As Integer Dim iDay As Integer Dim iDaysInMonth As Integer Dim FullDateNew As Date Dim lCount As Long Which_Date = CDate(Which_Date) Select Case UCase(Which_Day) Case "SUN" iDay = 1 Case "MON" iDay = 2 Case "TUE" iDay = 3 Case "WED" iDay = 4 Case "THU" iDay = 5 Case "FRI" iDay = 6 Case "SAT" iDay = 7 End Select FullDateNew = DateSerial(Year(Which_Date), Month(Which_Date), 1) iDaysInMonth = Day(DateAdd("d", -1, DateSerial _ (Year(Which_Date), Month(Which_Date) + 1, 1))) For i = 0 To iDaysInMonth If Weekday(FullDateNew + i) = iDay Then lCount = lCount + 1 End If If lCount = Occurence Then NthDayOfMonth = FullDateNew + i Exit For End If Next i End Function
Now simply enter the function into any cell as shown above.
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