As wise man said: "Machines should work. People should think". ATM
helps you to organize your frequently executed tasks and set very flexible schedule
for them. It can provide a text/sound messages to remind you about something. Let
ATM to do your periodic work
and free your mind for more intelligent things!
The Active Task Manager is a convenient utility for automatic execution of several types of tasks:
Starting programs (exe, com, bat-files).
Creating backups of the important files (by using the File Backup Software Active Backup Expert).
Output of the text and sound messages.
The ATM helps you to organize your frequently executed tasks and to set very flexible schedule for them. Just tell the ATM what you want to do and when you want it to be done!
The main advantages of the Active Task Manager are:
running as a Windows service:
The ATM Start s your tasks whether there is an interactive user in your system, or not;
minimum occupation of system resources:
Active Task Manager in fact always "sleeps", and becomes active while Starting the next task only; the service module, the only ATM part that runs always, is only 60K size;
flexibility in customization, very flexible schedule:
For each task, you can set it to any schedule - from single Start in the necessary time up to multiple acyclic Start s within day/week/ month;
Simplicity in use:
You don't need to be a programmer for using full function of the ATM;
Convenient, pleasant and ergonomic user interface:
Starting Active Task Manager the first time, after a few minutes you are ready to use it effectively; Starting it the next morning, you will be surprised how you could do without it just yesterday.
Features of the ATM are listed here:
automatic Start of tasks under the schedule; | high color images; |
providing of text and sound reminders under the schedule; | VGA resolution support; |
repetition of text and sound reminders; | task execution log; |
multithreading; | maximum log size setting; |
flexible schedule with one second accuracy; | manual Start of the tasks from the tray icon menu; |
forced termination of tasks after specified execution time; | clipboard support; |
task process priority setting; | playing specified sound during task Start ; |
animated or static tray icon; | self-adding to the Start Up folder; |
drag'n'drop of exe, bat, com, lnk, pif icons; | customisable user interface; |
"New Task" Wizard; | context-sensitive help; |
Task property sheet; | hidding the tray icon; |
ActiveX Automation support; | Setting the CPU Affinity Mask. |
The Active Task Manager was tested by both users of home computers, and managers of the serious projects and has received a high evaluation both those, and others.
Active Task Manager Main screen
Task Configuration screen
Task Settings screen
Active Task Manager
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