Pricing and Breakeven Analysis uses break even analysis to calculate your current business break even point using revenue, variable, and fixed cost inputs
Pricing and Breakeven Analysis uses break even analysis to calculate your current business break even point using revenue, variable, and fixed cost inputs. This is combined with price elasticity (estimates for price and sales volume variations) to produce revenue and surplus (profit/loss) forecasts by price. The model determines the Optimum Pricing to maximize your surplus and can be applied to new or established businesses, product/service lines, or individual items. It is compact, easy to use, and requires minimal inputs. Outputs include break even charts for Current, Increased, Decreased, and Optimum pricing. Each break even chart is a graphical display of the break even analysis including the break even point considering price elasticity. Extended Price Analysis determines Optimum Pricing to maximize your business surplus. The Revenue, Surplus, and Number of Sales are calculated for prices ranging from -50% to +50% of the current price. Pricing and Breakeven Analysis incorporates break even analysis, break even charts, break even points and price elasticity to determine the impact of pricing on your business and optimum pricing.
Pricing and Breakeven Analysis Excel
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