The Print Assistant for Excel automatically adds the print footers you want onto any Excel printout. Choose from many different print footers. Automatically include the full file name and path in the footer. And included any special description you want, such as your company name and the words "company confidential".
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The Print Assistant � takes only seconds to install and works behind the scene for you. It will automatically set the print footer on every printout you make. Now you can document the source of every printout, all the way back to the file's directory, something that Excel can not do. With the Print Assistant�, you will be able to quickly find the source file and sheet of any printout you make, even months (or days) after you've forgotten where you put the file. Start enjoying the benefits of the Print Assistant� today.
The Print Assistant� allows you to set each of the footers independently from a list of over 24 options, including user input (example: Company Confidential). The following panel illustrates some of the options available to you:
If the option you need is not listed, let us know and we will most likely add it. The Print Assistant� has a number of options that you can use to control its actions. For example, you can temporarily turn off the Print Assistant�. Or, you can tell it not to modify the footers on particular sheets or files.
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