Excel To CSV
Convert Excel To CSV is a batch csv converter that converts xls to csv. You
watch the source file folder and convert new uploading files to csv
automatically. You can batch convert multiple Excel files to csv files in one
Key Features
Excel To CSV
A. Batch convert multiple Excel files to csv files in one click
B. Watch the source file folder and convert new uploading files to csv
automatically, while uploading files to your website.
C. Support command line arguments.
D. Can add files in subfolders to convert.
E. Supports drag & drop
F. Can create run log file.
System Requirements
1. Pentium 150 PC, or higher, 16MB RAM or more.
2. Windows 95, or above.
3. Excel 95, or higher.
Faq of Excel To CSV
How does "Manual Convert" work?
Click the "Manual Convert" sheet tab, you can simply press the "add files"
button, then select the files to a batch conversion list with ctrl, or shift key.
click the "add folders" button to select the file folder. finally press the "convert"
button to finish the conversion!
How does "Folder Watcher" work?
Click the "Folder Watcher" sheet tab, then click the "Add Watch" button and
input "Source File Path", "Dest File Path", "File
Filter" and press "OK". Finally
press the "Start Watch" button.
How to use command line run?
usage: Convert Excel To CSV <file path> [/d:dest path] [/s] [/h] [/?]
<file path>
the path and files want to be converted, for example, d:\*.xls
[/d:dest path] the dest file path
include the files in subfolders
hide the Convert Excel To CSV gui while running
show help
example 1:
convert all excel xls files in disk d to csv files, the dest path is d:\dest
cz-Convert Excel
To CSV d:\*.doc /d:d:\dest /s
example 2:
convert all excel xls files in d:\ dir to html files and hide the cz-Convert Excel
To CSV gui
cz-Convert Excel To
CSV d:\*.doc /h
Does Convert Excel To CSV use a lot of hard disk space?
No! Convert Excel To CSV is very small, only 700k.
Convert Excel To CSV
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