Quick Value PRO calculates the value of any business based on pro-forma or actual cash flows and balance sheets. The Instant Valuation worksheet provides quick valuation of 10 and 20 year Net Present Values of income streams forecast to grow at variable rates throughout the life of the business using simple key input data.
Use Quick Value to calculate the worth of any firm with Excel.
Quick Value PRO is our latest version (February 2006) of this tried and tested business valuation analysis tool for Excel popularly including current valuation benchmarks which are updated monthly.
The current fast pace of business acquisitions is driven by buyers who are able to see more value within a business than conventional analysts and professional valuation experts can see using old fashioned rules and standard calculations. There is usually More Value to be obtained from a business than can be calculated using conventional rules. QuickValue shows you how to prepare a conventional valuation using ready made templates and calculates the More (hidden) Values.
To find your More Value figures in Quick Value, Start by preparing a conventional twelve month profit and loss forecast using the P-L Template. QuickValue 5.0 automatically generates a 10 year forecast from this current year scenario applying growth rate extrapolation percentages you supply.
Use the extrapolation spreadsheet to prepare the base earnings scenario for a 10 year business plan valuation. Hide unwanted rows.
Valuation calculations use a selected choice of multiples of Revenue, EBITDA or discounted cash flow (present value) applied to your target required rate of return on acquisition capital.
In addition to More Value calculations, you can adjust a business valuation using balance sheet figures. You can select which basis of valuation you want to apply and the table automatically adjusts the Total Value.
Quick Value can incorporate Industry Benchmarks into your Value calculations. You just pull down a selector, choose your industry and the benchmark ratios are included into your valuation calculations if you wish. Your valuation can be very quick and accurate and relevant to your current time frame using data from the US acquisitions and mergers market updated monthly.
CURRENCY > You can set the currency to any symbol by opening the Format menu in Excel and selecting Cells from the drop down list, which produces the Format Cells table. Click Currency and then choose the currency you want to work with from the Symbol panel.
The download file is zipped for faster delivery. When you download, choose the Save As option. After downloading locate the file, unzip and then you can run in any version of Excel.
Quick Value PRO
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