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The Business Valuation Model is designed to provide an economical, efficient and effective means to assess the value of a business. The forecast input should be based on your subjective views. These are translated into quantifiable values for model operation. There is no need to provide "perfect" answers. Use your industry knowledge to make informed estimates. The goal is to provide a streamline tool to indicate possible outcomes. A recent business taxation return will assist in determining values for the Performance section. The Business Valuation Model combines Relative Indicators for future performance with basic financial data (Revenue, Variable Costs, and Fixed Costs) to value the business. This valuation method can be used for business purchase, sale, or establishment. It is compact, easy to use, and requires minimal inputs. Outputs include a 3 Year Forecast, Sensitivity Analysis, Investment Return, and calculated Business Valuation in tabular and graphical form.
Specific item help is also provided within the software via hyperlinks to related help information.
Input: All input is on the Input and Analysis Sheets. Click the tab or hyperlinks to access. Blue cells allow input.
Current Operating Performance Data: This section reviews the current performance of your business for a full year period. It is designed to assess the level of expenses that vary with your sales (Variable Costs) and those that don't (Fixed Costs). It also allocates a realistic labor cost for the owners effort. The focus is on cash flow excluding assets and taxation. Broad expense categories are provided. Labels in blue cells can be adjusted however they should reflect the original label type to ensure formula are applied correctly. Values can be based on the previous years tax return adjusted for current trading. Inputs do not have to be perfect but should reasonably reflect business operation.
Business Name or Identifier: Input a name for the business. This appears as an identifier on the Output Sheets.
Business Revenue: Input the Revenue generated by the business for the current year.
Expenses: Select your Expense input as Monetary or Percent. This allows you to input your Expenses directly in Monetary (Dollars, Pounds etc) or Percentage terms.
Variable Costs: Variable Costs vary with the volume of product or service you provide. Only include these costs in this section and allocate them into one of the six categories.
Materials & Supplies: Input the annual variable expense for materials and supplies directly related to producing your product or providing your service.
Labor excluding Owner: Input the annual variable expense for labor (excluding the owner) directly related to producing your product or providing your service. Labor expenses should include all associated on-costs and benefits.
Labor Owner: Input the annual value of labor provided by the owner that is directly related to producing your product or providing your service. This variable expense should reflect the effective labor effort and can be estimated as the cost of an employee who could replace the owner. Labor expenses should include all associated on-costs and benefits.
Distribution: Input the annual variable expense for distribution of your product or service. This may include freight costs, packaging, and vehicle running costs.
Input the annual variable expense for marketing. Include advertising, promotional
publications, sponsorships, client functions, and any marketing or sales expense.
Marketing is not essentially a variable expense, however it is assumed that marketing
does influence the level of sales and a relationship exists between the level of
marketing and the level of sales. It is on this basis that it forms a component
of Variable Costs.
Other: Input any annual variable expenses not already accounted for.
Total Variable Costs
This is the sum of the variable expenses. It is expressed as a monetary value and
as a percentage of revenue.
Fixed Costs: Fixed Costs are expenses which remain constant (up to a point) while the volume of sales vary. Only include these costs in this section and allocate them into one of the six categories.
Location: Input the annual fixed location expense. Include rent, power and light, maintenance, building insurance, security, and cleaning. If you own the property do not include purchase or finance costs.
Administration: Input the annual fixed administration expense. Include office phone, equipment costs, and stationary.
Labor excluding Owner: Input the annual fixed labor expense (excluding owner). This should include any labor expense not already accounted for in variable costs. Labor expenses should include all associated on-costs and benefits.
Labor Owner: Input the annual value of fixed cost labor provided by the owner. This should include the value of any labor which has not already been accounted for in variable costs. This fixed expense should reflect the effective labor effort and can be estimated as the cost of an employee who could replace the owner. Labor expenses should include all associated on-costs and benefits.
Interest Costs: Input the annual fixed Interest Cost. Include only the interest component of loan repayments. Principle components reflect assets. It is recommended that the business initially be valued with no Finance or Interest component i.e. 100% equity. This ensures the valuation provides the required return on the Total Investment. Once you have established valuation details you can then insert Finance details to determine the impact on the business.
Other: Input any annual fixed expenses not already accounted for.
Total Fixed Costs: This is the sum of the fixed expenses. It is expressed as a monetary value and as a percentage of revenue.
Operating Surplus: Operating Surplus reflects the before tax operating profit/loss of the business for the full years trading. It is calculated as the Revenue less Total Variable Costs less Total Fixed Costs. It excludes asset investment. Assets include property, equipment, and capital reinvestment in the business. These investment components are considered in the Investment section. The Operating Surplus represents the day to day (short term) business performance.
Owner Cash Flow: Owner Cash Flow is the Operating Surplus plus the value of any Labor provided by the Owner. If the owner provides no labor for the business Owner Cash flow and Operating Surplus will be equal.
Forecast Data: This section considers factors that influence future business performance. A relative indicator is used to reflect unit changes in these factors. The base year relative indicator for each factor is defined as 100%. Relative indicators for each of the next three years are applied to reflect likely changes in the unit cost or strength of the factor. Each indicator is relative to the prior year. A 10% increase from the previous year is reflected by a relative indicator of 110%. A 10% decrease from the previous year is reflected by a relative indicator of 90%. Relative indicators for costs reflect changes in the base unit of the expense such as labor costs per hour or material costs per unit.
Relative Indicator: Relative Indicators are required for each factor for Years 1 to 3. If there is no change from the previous year the Relative Indicator is 100%. You have provided Revenue and Costs details for the current Year. Year 1 is the year following the Current Year, Year 2 follows Year 1, and Year 3 follows Year 2.
Level of Competition: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. Consider the number of competitors, competitor strategies, potential new entrants. This indicator has an inverse relationship to forecast Business Revenue. All things being equal as the level of competition increases Business Revenue decreases.
Market Strength: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. Consider market growth, technology & regulatory impacts and customer needs. Market strength is an indicator of the demand for the type of product or service you provide. This indicator has a direct relationship to forecast Business Revenue. All things being equal as market strength increases Business Revenue increases.
Materials & Supplies Costs: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. Consider the potential changes in supplier pricing, sources of supply, your bargaining power, demand for materials, and possible alternative materials. This indicator has a direct relationship to forecast Materials & Supplies expenses. All things being equal as the unit cost of materials and supplies increases this Variable Cost expense increases.
Labor Costs: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. Consider market forces and availability of skilled staff. This indicator has a direct relationship to forecast Variable and Fixed Cost Labor excluding Owner, and Labor Owner expenses. All things being equal as the unit labor costs increase these labor expenses increase. It is also used to determine future Owners External Earning Power.
Interest Rates: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. This is percentage change not actual values. For a current interest rate of 6% a relative indicator of 110% in Year 1 equates to 6.6%, a relative indicator of 110% in Year 2 takes this to 7.26%. This indicator has a direct relationship to forecast Interest expenses. All things being equal as interest rates increase this Variable Cost expense increases.
Business Market Position: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. Consider your position in the market, and the impact of your current actions. This is a measure of your standing relative to the competition as perceived by potential consumers. If things will remain much the same input 100%, indicating no change over the previous year. If you have actions to improve the position of your business by 10% then the input would be 110%. This indicator has a direct relationship to forecast Business Revenue. All thing being equal as market position increases Business Revenue increases. Actions contributing to the business position must be substantiated and implemented to have an impact.
Variable Costs Efficiency: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. This should reflect changes in the relationship between your Variable Costs and revenue. If you have actions to improve your Variable Costs efficiency (decrease variable costs) by 10% over the previous year input 110%. Consider changes in processes, distribution or the materials used. This indicator has an inverse relationship to forecast Variable Costs Materials & Supplies, Labor excluding Owner, Labor Owner, Distribution, Marketing and Other expenses. All things being equal as Variable Costs Efficiency increases less materials, labor, distribution and marketing resources are required resulting in a decrease in these expenses. Actions must be substantiated and implemented to have an impact.
Fixed Costs Efficiency: Input the percentage relative indicator to reflect the level of change from the previous year. Consider changes in administration processes and Fixed Cost labor requirements. This indicator has an inverse relationship to forecast Fixed Costs Administration, Labor excluding Owner, Labor Owner, and Other expenses. All things being equal as Fixed Costs efficiency increases less administration and labor resources are required resulting in a decrease in these expenses. It does not apply to Location and Finance expenses. Actions contributing to the business position must be substantiated and implemented to have an impact. You can use the Decision Assistant Model to value your actions and determine their business impact.
Fixed Costs Flow-on: Input the percentage Fixed Costs Flow-on. This indicates the estimated level of fixed costs adjustment to support revenue variations. Fixed Costs are generally considered a constant expense, however large sustained revenue variations place pressure on fixed costs and usually result in an increased fixed cost expense. This may include larger floor area, more administration costs, or higher financing. The Fixed Costs Flow-on percentage is the amount of increase in Fixed Costs expense for a 100% increase in revenue. An fixed costs flow-on of 20% reflects a 20% increase in Fixed Costs expense for every 100% increase in revenue. This indicator has a direct relationship to all forecast Fixed Cost expenses.
Valuation Data: This section provides data to value the business. Consideration is given to the owners earning power outside the business, the replacement value of business assets and their useful life. Property (Real Estate) valuations are considered constant throughout the period. Annual replacement costs for other business assets are calculated as the Replacement Value divided by the Asset Life. This provides for constant reinvestment to maintain the business. This data is combined with the business forecast to determine a business valuation.
Owners Time Commitment to Business: Input the percentage of work time the owner commits to the business. This is used to determine the owners return for effort and indicates the available amount of owner resource. Available resource will be applied to any forecast labor increase in Fixed, then Variable Costs where the owner currently contributes.
Owners External Earning Power: Input the annual income the owner could earn if employed outside the business. Include any benefits. The actual return from the business must compensate the owner for giving up External Earnings and provide the required return on Investment. A return on Investment only occurs after the owner has been compensated for External Earnings given up.
Replacement Value of Business Assets: Input the replacement value of physical business assets. Exclude property. Consider vehicles, plant and equipment. This forms a component of the total business investment.
Life of Assets (years): Input the average life of the assets. The Replacement Value of Business Assets will be divided by the Life of Assets to provide an indication of annual asset depreciation expense. This will be used in determining the owners return from the business.
Market Value of Property: Input the estimated market value of property owned by the business. Property values are considered stable over the forecast period and no depreciation is allowed for. This forms a component of the total business investment.
Other Investment in Business: Input the value of any other investment made in the business. Consider operating capital and goodwill paid. This forms a component of the total business investment. This amount will be adjusted in-line with your Valuation Analysis.
Total Investment: This indicates the Total Investment in the business. It is the sum of Replacement Value of Business Assets, Market Value of Property, and Other Investment in Business.
Financed Amount: This is the amount of finance carried by the business. It is recommended that the business initially be valued with no Finance or Interest component i.e. 100% equity. This ensures the valuation provides the required return on the Total Investment. Once you have established a valuation you can then insert Finance details to determine the impact on the business. The calculated Interest Rate is based on the Financed Amount and the annual Interest Cost from the Performance Data. No principle reduction is considered during the forecast period, only interest expense, principle components reflect assets.
Equity Investment: This is the average annual Return on Total Investment over a three year period.
Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity Analysis allows you to adjust your Relative Indicators by a set percentage to generate Optimistic and Pessimistic Forecasts.
Optimistic Input: Input the percentage improvement in Relative Indicators to generate an Optimistic Forecast. If you feel it is "reasonably likely" your Relative Indicators are 20% too low, input 20%.
Pessimistic Input: Input the percentage degrade in Relative Indicators to generate a Pessimistic Forecast. If you feel it is "reasonably likely" your Relative Indicators are 20% too high, input 20%.
Business Revenue: This is the forecast revenue generated by the business.
Optimistic: This is the forecast based on your Optimistic improvement to Relative Indicators.
Expected: This is the forecast based on the Relative Indicators you provided as input.
Pessimistic: his is the forecast based on your Pessimistic degradation of Relative Indicators.
Operating Surplus: This is the Revenue less Variable and Fixed Costs including payment to the owner for labor provided.
Owner Cash Flow: This is the Operating Surplus plus any labor Earnings of the Owner.
Business Return: Business Return is the Owners Cash Flow less a Depreciation Allowance and Owners External Earning Power. A Depreciation Allowance is required for the long term maintenance of the business. It is calculated as the Replacement Value of Business Assets divided by the Asset Lifetime. If the Depreciation Allowance is not reinvested business performance and value will decrease. The Owners External Earning Power reflects the income given up by the owner to work in the business. This must be recouped through the business before there is any return on investment generated.
Valuation Analysis: Simply input your desired Return on Investment to calculate your Business Valuation. If you have applied Sensitivity Analysis 3 valuations will be calculated; Optimistic, Expected, and Pessimistic.
% Return on Total Investment: This is the Business Return as a percentage of the Total Investment. It is an indicator of the quality of the business investment. The higher the Return on Investment the better the investment. However as the level of risk increases a higher Return on Investment is required to compensate for the risk taken. Business Return is the Owners Cash Flow less a Depreciation Allowance and Owners External Earning Power.
Required Return on Investment: This is the Business Return as a percentage of the Total Investment. It is an indicator of the quality of the business investment. The higher the Return on Investment the better the investment. However as the level of risk increases a higher Return on Investment is required to compensate for the risk taken. Business Return is the Owners Cash Flow less a Depreciation Allowance and Owners External Earning Power.
Expected Valuation: This Valuation is based on the Expected Forecast and the required average 3 Year Return on Investment. It represents the Total Investment in the business and is an indication of Sale or Purchase price. Based on the Expected Forecast this is the maximum Investment that should be applied to this business to achieve the required Return on Investment.
Optimistic Valuation: This represents the Optimistic Valuation (high). It provides the required average 3 Year Return based on the Optimistic Forecast. However if the business does not provide a return inline with the Optimistic forecast the return on Investment will be less than required at this valuation.
Pessimistic Valuation: This represents the Pessimistic Valuation (low). It provides the required average 3 Year Return based on the Pessimistic Forecast. If the business provides a return greater than the Pessimistic forecast the return on Investment will exceed that required at this valuation.
Update Valuation: Input your Valuation and click the Update Button to generate new Return details. The Valuation will normally be the Expected Return Valuation.
Output Sheets: Summary outputs are included on the Sensitivity and Valuation Analysis Sheets. Details are in tabular form on the Results Sheets and graphical form on the Chart Sheets. To display Sheets click the associated button or tab.
Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity Analysis allows you to adjust your Relative Indicators by a set percentage to generate Optimistic and Pessimistic Forecasts.
Valuation Analysis: Simply input your desired Return on Investment to calculate your Business Valuation. If you have applied Sensitivity Analysis 3 valuations will be calculated; Optimistic, Expected, and Pessimistic.
Expected Results: Full tabular results for your Expected Forecast and Return on Investment.
Optimistic Results: Full tabular results for your Optimistic Forecast and Return on Investment.
Pessimistic Results: Full tabular results for your Pessimistic Forecast and Return on Investment.
Forecast Revenue Chart: 3 Year Forecast Revenue Chart; Optimistic, Expected and Pessimistic.
Forecast Return Chart: 3 Year Forecast Return Chart; Optimistic, Expected and Pessimistic. Return is the Owners Cash Flow less the Depreciation Allowance and Owners External Earning Power.
Operating Surplus Chart: 3 Year Expected Operating Surplus Chart including Variable and Fixed Costs.
Surplus & Return Chart: 3 Year Expected Operating Surplus on Sales, Return on Sales, and Return on Total Investment percentages.
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