The Pivot Table Assistant� takes only seconds to install and makes working with Excel 's pivot tables far easier. The Pivot Table Assistant� adds a new toolbar to Excel for easy access to the new features. See: Excel Pivot Tables For Free Tutorials and Downloads.
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Table Assistant for Microsoft Excel
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The Pivot Table Assistant� takes only seconds to install and makes working with Excel 's pivot tables far easier. The Pivot Table Assistant� adds a new toolbar to Excel for easy access to the new features
The first set of buttons are quick format buttons. To use, just select a cell in each pivot table field to be formatted and click on the desired format. The entire field is then formatted. The seventh button, the one after the .0% button, allows you to specify any format you want for a pivot table field.
The remaining buttons add the following features:
Selecting the help button allows you to set the format options for the quick format buttons
Free Excel Pivot Table Tutorial
Take the FREE online tutorial on Excel Pivot Tables by Microsoft. These pages
and all content is the sole property of Microsoft. See also
SEE ALSO: XLSTAT-Pivot� : Create intelligent pivot tables on large amounts of data within seconds.
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