Check2Check allows you to take control of your finances by showing you where your money is going but, more importantly, lets you plan your finances months ahead. One of the biggest problems with budget programs is that they don't handle expenses that come up every few months. Check2Check does this beautifully because after you enter all your monthly income and bills for a month you simply copy those transactions into the subsequent months
Description of columns
Date: The date of the month.
Day: The day of the week.
Check: This is the check number that was used to pay the bill.
Name: Name of the transaction. This is a general name and may include any kinds of text data.
Status: Double click this column to mark this transaction as being completed. If it's a check or bill that has been paid then marking this indicates that it has been paid. If it's an income like a paycheck, then marking this indicates that it has been received and deposited.
Amount: This is the amount of the transaction. Positive numbers indicate income and are shown in blue while negative numbers indicate expenses paid and are shown in red.
Excl: This stands for Exclude. When this is marked (by double clicking or hitting the Enter key) the transaction amount will not be included in the balance. This is useful if you have a bill that you don't want to pay this month. For example, some credit cards will allow you to skip a month without a penalty. You can double click this which will mark the field so it will be excluded from the balance.
Tags: This column shows all the tags that you have assigned to this transaction. You may have from 1 to 4 tags assigned. The number shown at the top of this column next to the "Tags-" name is the current tag.
Balance: This column shows the current running balance. No data may be entered in this column.
O/R: This stands for Override. When this is marked (by double clicking) then the amount that is shown in the O/R Amount column will be placed in the balance column. This is useful when you have had deductions from your account that you don't want to take the time to enter. If you know how much you have in your account on a certain date then you can put that amount in the O/R Amount column and then double click the O/R column and all balances from this point on will use your newly entered balance.
O/R Amount: This is called the Override Amount column and is the amount that you want the balance to be set to from this transaction forward.
Menu Items
File | New
Use this item to create a new database.
File | Open
Open an existing database from a file.
File | Close
Close the current database. If it has been modified then you will be prompted to
see if you want to save it.
File | Save
Use this item to save the current database to a file. If a file has not been specified
it will prompt you for a name.
File | Save As
Use this item to save the current database to a different file.
File | View
This item will show on the screen how a printed output will look.
File | Print
This will allow you to print out the current month that is being displayed.
File | Preferences
There are many preferences that you may select to determine how Check2Check functions.
They are selected by clicking on this menu item.
File | Exit
This will exit Check2Check. If you have an open database that has been changed you
will be prompted to see if you want to save it.
Edit | Undo
Clicking this will undo your last operation if you make a mistake.
Edit | Edit transaction
Clicking this is the same thing as double clicking a field. It's can save time when
you want to edit names or amounts..
Edit | Mark "Status" with...
The "Status" column is used to indicate the current status of a transaction.
It can be set to one of four states. These are Blank, Done, Pending, and Skip.
Blank indicates that the transaction is displayed for reference and may or may not need to be included in your budget.
Done indicates that the transaction has been completed. That is, if it's income then the check has been received and if it's a check then it's been paid.
Pending indicates that the transaction must be paid during the month. This is useful to let you know of income and expenses that you have every month that must be handled.
Skip indicates that the transaction may be skipped this month. You might want to also exclude this transaction by double clicking on the Exclude column (Excl).
Edit | Tags
There are 4 tags that may be assigned to transactions which may then be
summarized on the Tag screen. For example, you can tag all your income with 1 and
all your credit cards with 2. Then you can easily see how much all your income and
credit cards add up to. You can also filter the transactions so that the main screen
will only show those items with a matching tag. So if you want to edit just your
credit cards you can set the filter on 2 and then only the credit cards will be
Tags can be set or cleared by selecting the appropriate menu item. The current tag number will be displayed on the main screen at the top in the Tags column. If you double click the tags column you will change the state of the selected tag. For example if "Tags-3" is displayed at the top of the tags column then double clicking an item with the tag 3 already set will clear it. Double clicking it again will set it. You can also type in a number from 1 to 4 and then press Enter. This will change the state of that particular tag.
Edit | Filter Transactions
Clicking this or clicking the Filter button will cause the filter screen
to come up. This will let you select which transaction you wish to have displayed.
The parameters are as follows:
Name: Display transactions where the name is in the name of the transaction. Any portion of the name that is in the transaction name will qualify. For example, if the name field is set to "Bank" and a transaction name is "Bank of America" then this transaction would be displayed. This is not case sensitive so "bank" and "BANK" would give the same results.
Amount: Transactions that have an amount within the range of these two edit boxes will be displayed. Click whether the transaction is a withdrawal (negative number) or a deposit (positive number). If you are looking for an exact match then leave the 2nd edit box blank.
Check: Transactions that have a matching check number will be displayed.
Blank, Done, Pending, Skip: Transactions that have a any of these
boxes checked will be displayed. For example, if you want to see all Done and Pending
transaction then click both of these check boxes.
Tag 1, 2, 3, 4: Transactions that have a matching tag number will be displayed.
Edit | Insert
Clicking this or clicking the Insert button will cause a blank line directly the
selected transaction. If the selected cell doesn't contain a transaction then this
will have no affect.
Edit | Delete
Clicking this or clicking the Delete button will cause the currently selected transaction
to be deleted. A prompt will occur if the Prompt for Delete preference is checked.
Edit | Cut
Clicking this or clicking the Cut button will cause the currently selected transaction
to be cut from the database but will be saved in the clipboard. You may then paste
it into another day in any month.
Edit | Copy
Clicking this or clicking the Copy button will cause the currently selected transaction
to be copied to the clipboard. You may then paste it into another day in any month.
Edit | Paste
Clicking this or clicking the Paste button will cause the transaction that has been
previously saved to the clipboard to be pasted into the database on the selected
day. Note that if there is already a transaction on that day it will be placed as
the last transaction on that day. It does not overwrite an existing transaction
but it does preserve all the fields exactly, including the Check and Done fields.
Edit | Paste and clear
Clicking this does the same thing as the Edit | Paste function except that after
pasting the transaction it will clear the Check field and the Done field. This is
useful when you copy a transaction that has already occurred and you want to put
it on a day in the future. Since the transaction hasn't occurred yet you will not
have a check number to put in and you will not want to have it marked as Done.
Edit | Cut Month
Clicking this will cut all the transactions from the current month to the clipboard
and delete the transaction from the current month. You may then use the Paste Month
function to paste all the transaction to the next month for example. This way will
do not have to retype any of the transactions. Most transactions on a month to month
basic are pretty much the same except that the amounts may vary somewhat and the
addition or deletion of a few transactions. The Cut Month function will probably
not be used very much but the Copy Month function will be used all the time.
Edit | Copy Month
Clicking this will copy all the transactions from the current month to the clipboard.
You may then use the Paste Month function to paste all the transaction to the next
month for example. This way will do not have to retype any of the transactions.
Most transactions on a month to month basic are pretty much the same except that
the amounts may vary somewhat and the addition or deletion of a few transactions.
Edit | Paste Month
Clicking this will paste all the transactions that have been previously saved by
Cut Month or Copy Month into the current month. Note that you must be sure to have
selected the month that you want the transactions placed before using this function.
All transactions are pasted exactly as they were copied including the Check and
Done fields.
Edit | Paste Month and Arrange
Same as for Paste Month except that the transactions will be placed in the new month
by their due date.
Edit | Paste Month with clear
This function does the same thing as Edit | Paste Month except that the Check and
Done fields are cleared after pasting. This is useful when you copy the current
month into a future month and you don't know the check number and don't want it
marked as done yet.
Edit | Cut Tags
1, 2, 3, 4: This option allows you to remove all the transactions
that match the menu item.
Edit | Copy Tags
1, 2, 3, 4: This option allows you to copy all the tags so that
you can then paste them into another month. This is useful for copying all the credit
cards or paychecks for example..
Edit | Paste Tags with "Status" blank
This option allows you to paste all the previously cut or copied transactions into
the current month. The Status column is blanked out.
Edit | Paste Tags with "Status" with...
This option allows you to paste all the previously cut or copied transactions into
the current month but allows you to set the Status column to either Blank, Intact
(which means it leaves it the way it previously was), or Pending.
View | Next Month
Clicking this will cause the screen to display the next month after the current
View | Prev Month
Clicking this will cause the screen to display the previous month.
View | Transactions
Clicking this will display the transaction for the selected month.
View | Notes
Clicking this will display the notes of the selected month. Each month has a space
for notes that you may type in anything of importance. For example, if you have
a large credit card bill you might want to put in the notes the things that were
charged on it. These notes are saved for each month and saved in the database file.
View | Calendar
Clicking this will display a small calendar on the screen. You can go forward and
backward by clicking the arrows shown on the calendar. Also, double clicking on
a particular date will cause that month to be display and the cursor will be put
on that date.
View | Calculator
Displays the Windows calculator.
View | Override Columns
Clicking this will show on the screen the override columns which include the O/R
column and O/R Balance. This is useful if you have lots of balance overrides that
you have entered and want to see everything at once.
View | Go to Month / Year
Clicking this will prompt you to enter a month and year that you want to jump to.
View | Balances
Clicking this or clicking the View Balances button will display the Balances Screen.
This screen summarizes the transactions for an entire year Starting with the first
tab on the main screen.
View | Tags
Clicking this or clicking the View Tags button will display the Tags Screen. This
screen summarizes the transactions for each of the tags for the current month.
View | Summary
Clicking this or clicking the View Summary button will display the Summary Screen.
This screen summarizes the transactions for the current month.
Help | Contents
Shows help information for Check2Check.
Help | Index
Shows help index information for Check2Check.
Help | Register Check2Check
Allows you to enter the registration code so that you can use it beyond 30 days.
Help | Buy Now
Gives you a quick link to online purchase Check2Check with a secure server.
Help | About
Shows the current version of Check2Check.
A note about moving transactions:
You can easily move a transaction within a month simply my clicking on it and dragging
it to another day. When you click on it you'll see a hand with a pointing finger.
Move the mouse to the day that you want it moved to and then release the mouse button.
The transaction will be moved to that position. Note that it will not overwrite
an existing transaction even if it's placed right on top of one. Instead it will
be placed as the last transaction on that particular day. So if you already have
several transactions on a given day, pasting or moving a transaction to that day
will put it as the last one in that day.
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